We have reached W in Petunias ABC in words and pictures
I love Water! I grew up just a 5 min walk from the ocean filled with wonderful Water! This is one of the things that makes our World such a beautiful place to live. Seeing our planet from space you can understand why it is called the blue planet! Water covers aprox 71 % of our planet.
(Picture taken on Santa Monica beach California)
Amazing really when you think about it! Not only is Water beautiful, but also vital for all forms of life. Both fresh Water and salt Water.
(Picture taken in Kristiansand Zoo)
When I moved to the countryside I wondered if I would miss living by the sea… But I found out that there was a big lake just a 5 min walk from my house!! Lots and lots of water !! I was sooo happy :-)
(Pictures taken of Hillestadvannet)
This is why I do LOVE Water! It so calming, beautiful and you get lost in the dephts of it! No matter where in the world you are where there is Water, you will always find beauty in it. And to end this weeks theme, a picture taken on my last trip to the US :-)
(Picture taken at Multnoma Falls Oregon)