I found you and you found me, together we will grow. Together we will fill our days with love from up above. My heart is yours as yours is mine - we'll never be alone. All we need is the love we share - and we'll never let it go.

Please don't copy from this blog without asking first!

29. jan. 2010

Har ærlighet blitt tabu i dagens samfunn?

Jeg bare spør…

Det var et lite artikkel i avisa i dag om en mann i 50 årene som hadde havnet i grøften på E18 med bilen sin. Føreren opplyste til politiet at han hadde mistet mobilen på gulvet og derfor var uoppmersom et øyeblikk da ulykken skjedde.

Nå er det slik at historier som dette er noe vi alle gliser litt av - vi kan alle gjøre utenksomme ting fra tid til annen… eller rett og slett bli sint over personer som setter andres liv i fare med mobilbruk mens en kjører. Det er ikke det jeg heftet meg ved. Kvinnen som leste denne artikkelen kom med denne kommentaren: “Å idiotisk går det ann å bli?” mens hun lo rått. Med dette utsagnet henviste hun til mannen som hadde opplyst at det var pga mobilbruk at han havnet i grøften. Dette resulterte i at han fikk førerkortet sitt beslagelagt. De fleste hadde nok ikke kommet med denne opplysningen om de hadde vært i samme situasjon, og helt sikkert meg inkludert!

MEN det som jeg reagerte på, var andres reaksjon på en manns ærlighet! Her tar han ansvaret for det han har gjort ved å være ærlig overfor politiet! - så istedet for å berømme en mann for å være ærlig og ta på seg ansvaret – så blir han ledd av og sett på som idiot…!! Har vi virkelig blitt så kyniske i dagens samfunn? Er det ingen grenser lenger for hvor uberørte vi er av løgn, fusk, uærlighet osv… Jeg må si at det skremmer meg litt med tanken på fremtiden! Blir det bedre eller blir det værre…?


Dette gav meg litt å reflektere over – og tenke på hvordan jeg bedre kan oppdra et barn med egne grenser, ærlighet og rett og slett ta ansvar for sitt eget liv og egne valg – bra eller dårlige…


28. jan. 2010

S for Strange…

ABC i ord og bilder heading

This weeks letter is S... and I was thinking of what I could use…  One thing that I find funny is strange things we can find arund the world.

Now there is a lot of strange things I could post here as there is really no limit to all the strange things we humans do or make… But a few pictures that I have taken this year will fit this weeks letter quite well.

First out is a little bug that was flying by us while we were out having an evening swim in our pool! It was a beautiful fluffy little thing. After googeling “fluffy bug” we found something that was very similar – and I think this little fellow is called “Flying Wooly Aphid”


The next strange picture I have in my folder is of a cloud taken while we were out boating. We had gone ashore on an iceland and got the fire going for a bbq… We noticed a strange cloud formation in the sky! “Un Demone” !!!


There are a lot of amazing architectural buildings around the world and I would love to travel around to experience them. But some of them are strange! Like this building! This is where the athletes stayed in Montreal for the olympics in 1976…


I didn’t have to go far to find the next strange thing in Montreal! This I also found really funny! To me this place – or restaurant - looked really dead! I wonder why…… hehe..


Some times a simple word in a different language can look strange to us! In Schiphol Nederland a simple thing like recyceling can put a smile on your face! You just have to be aware so you don’t take it literal – or it could end bad for some cute little four legged fluffy thing! Pet ???? Strange how they had the english words paper and waste…but not bottle…???


This is a few of the strange things I came across last year :-)

27. jan. 2010

Frozen light…

When we think of light – we most often think of warmth… But some times this is not the case! Sometimes even the light can seem to get cold…


I speak from the heart – But you don’t hear a sound.

You only see me – In the frozen light

The thorn is rootet – In the foolishness of you distain…

For a fleeting moment – I’m subdued by your piercing gaze.

Then I awaken.


Cold light


24. jan. 2010

R for Riding…

This will be my first time joining the norewegian version for ABC Wednesday. The letter of the day is R!

ABC i ord og bilder heading

Last summer we went to “The End Of The World”  as I wanted to show my husband bit of the surrounding areas we have here in Vestfold. And might I add that this particular place is amazinly beautiful no matter what time of year you go!

There is also a riding center for horses out there! I love riding after taking some lessons in the US when I stayed there for a year. But I haven’t had the chance to go riding the last *kremt* 15 years… But…as they say, it is like riding a bike. You never forget once you have learned to ride a horse!

Anyway – as we walked over to our car after having a wonderful afternoon just sitting by the sea side – we saw all the horses there and wanted to take a closer look! A couple of nice white ones was playing around with each other and it looked like they were having fun…

white horses1



But there was another one which looked great for rideing!! It was a brown stallion trotting about in the ring! I tried to get its attention by waving some grass in my hand. It got its attention alright! He came running towards me and stopped just before hitting the fence… took the grass i had in my hand and gave me a really mysterious look…. After chewing a couple of times – he boped his head back and then SNEEZED on me!! Yeh and it was not the same type of sneeze we humans have…nooooo this was filled with green mucas (must be from the grass) and I had it all over my shirt!

The worst part was that the horse lifted up his head – looked me – and grinned with his mount – looking as if he was laughing… Sneezed on me once more before trotting off again!!!!!

No riding for me that day …


I’m wondering if that was the horse’s plan all along –

23. jan. 2010


We picked up our new member of our family today from the animal shelter in Kristiansand! Her name is TeaBella and she is 9 months old! A real cutie :-) Now we just have to give her time to get used to Tinka our dog. I do hope it will turn out well. They did say that she was used to dogs as she grew up with two of them. But just now she is a little shy and weary of the dog, hiding under the couch where she feels safe. If the dog does come too close for comfort – she bops her in the nose with her claws….awww poor Tinka girl!!

When the dog is out of the room – she comes out and jumps up on our laps while purring. I think she will settle in here good with time :-)

TeaBella 2

TeaBella 4


TeaBella 3

TeaBella 1

20. jan. 2010

Misty became Abby Deviline…

This morning as I was reading the newspaper – I saw a picture of a cat that looked really famillar! It was a woman who had posted it with a text saying: My dear pet is missing… Looking at the picture a bit closer I could see that there was no mistake – this was our Misty!! I called the lady and confirmed this. She was over the moon happy that her cat was found again!

For us it was a bit sad… After taking care of her for 3 weeks – we had grown to love her… It was a little hard driving her back home – but also rewarding to see how happy Misty’s (who’s real name was Abby Deviline) mom was seeing her again.

Now I think there is only one thing to do – We have to go to the SPCA to see if we can find another cat that needs a new home!!

But for now – We loved taking care of you Misty and we are going to miss you!!

Misty and Damien  Misty sleeping

19. jan. 2010

The pitter patter of little feet…

There is a new baby in the house! Our tenants have just become prowd parents of a little baby boy! He is the cutest little angel :-)

I just love little baby feet…! A while back I got my sister to make me a pair of knitted thick baby socks! And as it is winter and cold outside – I thought they would be the perfect gift for this new little baby! Best of all – they were baby blue ! ! !

Uten navn Små føtter








And maybe one day we will be lucky to have our own little angel running around :-)

små føtter1

18. jan. 2010


Every season has it’s beauty.. But spring time has and always will be something special to me. Waiting for the long winter to loosen its grip on the shivering earth and let the sun melt its cold icy hold on it - letting the flowers and trees once again come to life and fill our souls and hearts with song.

I am longing for springtime – and it can’t come fast enough. So while I am sitting here in the cold darkness of the winter evenings – I close my eyes and hear the birds singing with joy over yet another fruitful season ahead.

I found this poem which I thought was very fitting …

  Longing For Spring 
Once a day and sometimes more
I look out my day dream door
To see if spring is out there yet
I'm really anxious, but mustn't fret.

I see the snow a melting down
and lots of mud and slush around
I know the grass will surely sprout
and birds and flowers will come about.

But why oh why does it take so long?
I'm sure the calendar can't be wrong.
Sunshine fills my heart with cheer
I wish that spring were really here.

Soon mother nature will sound the alarm
Wake up! get dressed, turn on your charm
Winter's gloom has gone its way
It's Spring! It's Spring! Oh Happy Day!

Edna T. Helberg


17. jan. 2010


Is something we all suffer from at times. Some more than others. I wonder if we are more forgetful nowadays compared to earlier times?? There are so many things that fill our every day life now. We tend to pack in as much as possible so we dont miss a thing – as we all feel we have too short of a time here. And now with all the new tecnologie that can help us keep up with our appointments – we tend not to use our overloaded brains to fill this information. Instead we rely on our gagets to tell us what time it is to do what ever from minute to minute. And if we loose this gaget…then what?? We feel totally lost as we can’t remember which day our doctor’s appointment was…or when we were supposed to take the dog to the vets… or what time did we have the lunch date with our friend…

But this is not a new phenomenom for us in the 20’th century. And I’m not sure if it’s going to get any better – unless we take the step and wake up to smell the flowers. And we all  do need to step back – lower our sholders and take in the beauty that surrounds us – and take more notice of our family and friends.

There is another forgetfulness tho… and it is wide spread among the male gender (go figure..) Now most you married women know about this so there is no need for me to repeat it.. but I started thinking about this when I looked through my photos from this summer! This is just a month after our wedding :-) My hubby was going to make some toast (I think it also had some garlic spread on it) but got busy with something else and “forgot” the bread…

The result is as follows…

Burnt toast

The look on his face is just priceless!!!! The cutest ever and I love it!!! :-))

16. jan. 2010

Love food…

And who doesn’t?

My husband got this recipe book for christmas. It was intended for him learning norwegian at the same time as doing something that he enjoys! As he took pastry at school I think it was a great idea for him :-) I have been looking through this book – and oooooh what delish looking cookies there are!! x-) I have already cleared the freezer for him getting it ready to be filled up… “hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink” 

Maybe if I am lucky – and have been a good girl – he might surprise me when I get home from work one day… :-)


An example of the tasties which is in this book is this mouth watering thing…


Ps…I’ve also made room in my tummy for a couple of them…. ;-)


Jeg har forresten denne adressen på Bloggurat. This is my adress on Bloggurat.

Growing grass…

Yes I do know that I have a lot of grass outside my house… BUT that does not help when it’s winter outside and snow up to your knees.. And why are you growing grass you ask???

This is a one of my small new projects for 2010 and it is growing cat grass for little MissT (Misty) This is what I call babysteps… It is going to be fun trying out different things – even tho it is very simple. I saw this at the store today and thought “why not?” and it is good for the cat too… So here is my first attempt at growing cat grass! This is day one. Filling the box with water… It should be starting to grow within 2-3 days…




I feel like a little kid!! Sitting here waiting for it to start growing…but it is exiting!!

13. jan. 2010

Cutest puppies…

It’s wednesday January 13’th and still dark outside when I get home from work. I would have loved to be out to take some photos – but I don’t have a good enough camera to get the photos I want. (I did leave a hint or five to my hubby about my wish-list for my birthday…. ;-) Anyways – I went through my files on my laptop instead…

I found some pictures of puppies taken this summer – and they were the cutest ones ever! It is Chihuahua puppies – and they will melt even the coldest ice heart! Just check them out…

This little beige cutie was the shy one. He was also the one who looked like he had eaten up all the food!! The name I gave this puppy was “Pugsy”


And here is the tough one of the liter… He was running around nudging all the other dogs and puppies! I called him “Ozzy” He got up to what ever mischief he could find making his days very interesting.


Here “Ozzy” is pushing little “Pugsy” around…  Not being very nice!


The smallest one of the liter found it safest to curl up in DJ’s lap.Lil’ Coco keeping out of trouble and keeping trouble away from her… :-))


We both wanted to take all of them with us home…

11. jan. 2010

Star of the week…





Settling in continues…

Surviving second night and third day! We had a bit more sleep this night as Misty was busy with other things….. I’m not sure if the cat was house trained at her former family’s house – but we did find some pee and poop in the livingroom this morning. She had not given us any signals of wanting to go out – so I guess we will have to get a box and some catlitter for her.

But for now we got her a new food and water bowl (it will do till we get a nicer one ;-)


– and the most fun of all – a cathouse with 3 white mice hanging in the opening ! ! Fun fun fun … Tinka tried to join in the fun too – but I don’t think Misty quite agreed with that. No this toy was only hers! I guess she is paying Tinka back for not wanting to share her bone yesterday.


anyway she said….you are too big to fit into my new house ! ! !


She also got another little toy which fell to her liking.. yet another toy Misty did not want to share with Tinka. So to prevent the dog from feeling left out – she got a fresh new chewing bone! (note, this time she did not mind sharing with Misty…strange)



But at the moment – this little toy was more interesting. They did have a race tho…from the new cathouse and out in the hallway – and then back again! Cat won! jumped up on her new house and had a look of victory on her face!