This weeks letter is S... and I was thinking of what I could use… One thing that I find funny is strange things we can find arund the world.
Now there is a lot of strange things I could post here as there is really no limit to all the strange things we humans do or make… But a few pictures that I have taken this year will fit this weeks letter quite well.
First out is a little bug that was flying by us while we were out having an evening swim in our pool! It was a beautiful fluffy little thing. After googeling “fluffy bug” we found something that was very similar – and I think this little fellow is called “Flying Wooly Aphid”
The next strange picture I have in my folder is of a cloud taken while we were out boating. We had gone ashore on an iceland and got the fire going for a bbq… We noticed a strange cloud formation in the sky! “Un Demone” !!!
There are a lot of amazing architectural buildings around the world and I would love to travel around to experience them. But some of them are strange! Like this building! This is where the athletes stayed in Montreal for the olympics in 1976…
I didn’t have to go far to find the next strange thing in Montreal! This I also found really funny! To me this place – or restaurant - looked really dead! I wonder why…… hehe..
Some times a simple word in a different language can look strange to us! In Schiphol Nederland a simple thing like recyceling can put a smile on your face! You just have to be aware so you don’t take it literal – or it could end bad for some cute little four legged fluffy thing! Pet ???? Strange how they had the english words paper and waste…but not bottle…???
This is a few of the strange things I came across last year :-)

12 kommentarer:
Et herlig og godt innlegg!
Haha, mange rare ting. Den flua var jo søt! Sånn har jeg aldri sett.
Kjempefine bilder!
morsomme bilder , fant noe ala det i Kina , der en bil het Intime Lotta , ikke helt hva du forventer av en bil . Morsomme bilder F
Her var det mye rart, jeg synes flua var merkelig. Flotte bilder;-)
Ha en god dag!
Fina bilder! Men har aldrig sett en sådan fluga, den var söt!
Trevlig helg!
Some lovely and funny pictures you have here. The bug was the cutest fluffy little thing.
Er den fluen virkelig ekte? Den var jo supersøt!
God helg
Hadde ikke trodd ate n flue kunne være søt da, men denne var det!
Mange fine S' er:)
Ja, der var der en herlig samling "strange things"!
Så utrolig flott! En herlig og artig samling, spesielt den skyen!
Artig å se alle disse "strange" sakene du kom over i fjor!
Veldig bra knipset :)
Flotte bilder, og må si meg enig med Petunia i at den flua var søt..
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